In Janet Woititz book The Complete ACoA Sourcebook , she lists the 13 characteristics of the Adult Child. For this article I decided to put characteristics 5 & 6 (above) together.
We need to rediscover the child in us that has been repressed. In some cases we were forced to be the parent and grow up fast, so acting as a child was considered immature. We try to have fun as adults but fear we will look stupid. If that is the case, bring a child along! Children naturally know how to have fun! ACA’s take themselves way too seriously at times! This is one of the reasons for having so much difficulty in finding ways to have fun.
This is where re-learning boundaries are important. If we work a 9-5 job, when the bell rings at 5 get out at 5! Staying later will only decrease productivity. We owe it to ourselves to stay on schedule and honor rest and relaxation time.
Take a day off once in awhile to do what makes us happy and helps us to play and have fun. There is nothing wrong with that!
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